Humility is healthy so consider the event a blessing and learn how to respond just as healthy.
This jounral is real simple, just write whatever humbles you and how you responded.
You don't need to write in this everyday but for a season use it to make a habit of letting your preconceptions and performance challenged and tested so you can keep growing, and fight the urge to think you already got this!
This will naturally curb bad habits and foster healthier responses.
Let's fight our pride and humble ourselves,
Humble doesn't mean beat yourself up like someone you don't love,
but to be honest about yourself like you would with someone you do love.
Consider each oppritunity to improove as a blessing and respond as if you are overjoyed to be corrected.
Click here to make a copy of this Humility Journal to your files.
📝 Humility Journal
This Journal is on the Fourth Tab