Here we will showcase Paradise Level Movements, that are on track with the Paradise Vision.Above is a quickly updated Playlist, but below there is commentary on some big moves. Enjoy the good news.
You've heard it said, "first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."-Jesus
Finally humans have matured to the point where we can do just that.
The James Webb Telescope after 30 years and $10billion to develop is now 1 million miles away from earth and our heat that blocks it's view.
After polishing and aligning it's mirrors to within one five-thousandth the width of a human hair or +/- 0.005 microns it has sent back this image.
Each blob of light below is one of thousands of galaxies,
Each galaxy with a 100billion stars,
Each with on average at least one world in orbit,
Holding a spec of sand at arms length could block all this.
Full Resolution Image