Do you ever notice the interface because it got in your way of accomplishing your purpose?
What do you do about it?
I try to improove it's design. With this effort I start a conversation that could grow into a revision, or I just improve by calling it practice. Either way I try to improve UI.
Here are principles I've developed that lead to ideal interface design.
Below you will see some very old and a few new tries. I can't help but practice improving the interface between human and machine.
Operating System
Pinky Pie Version
What if your home screen wasn't littered with icons, but were all sorted into folders in reach of your thumb. What if this same dock became the dock for each app and it's buttons? What if the notification center was in rach too at the bottom? What if the notification center and control center and app switcher was combined with scalible handles between each?
Rocky Road Version
What if we turned this to 11 maxing out your screen's realistate by using empathy engine and front facing sensors to be readable and reachable but not excessivly wasteful. What if we added teh shortcuts to the list of combined features, each set of features apear depending how high you pull up the bottom everything bar.
Windows 7 was out and there were legacy features junking up the fresh. I thought I'd try to conceve of a new window where the features were universally availible on an OS level rather than depending on the apps to get along. I also tried to consider tabs for virtual desktops. This was later implimented in windows 10. I also added a fully telling time on a single line which windows sorely lacked, though I should have included seconds. I know it's childish looking but I made this when I was a kid.
I refined it slightly and started to consider the windows like a fluid you could snap together and minimally contain objects but I hadnet considered the load it put on the user's mind as they worked with all the unique unpredictable curves. But every attempt comes with education oppritunities and possible progress. This one saw the start of an infinite desktop where you could simulate a giant display and put windows off the edge and just navigate over to it or zoom out to see them all. I was later able to impliment this with third party addons.
I took everything I learned and imagined what someone new to the OS might experience.
I designed a new feature, the window sill, that went around the screen and windows alike and could contain anything from buttons to sliders to fields, and in this one they dynamicly floated around to maintain visibility as best they could as they were covered by other windows. I removed the touch screen controller to navigate the infinite desktop as you could just use your mouse.
Windows 11 was announced and they made each part disjointed experiences. So again I couldnt help myself I made the taskbar the everything bar, and app itself that could scale up to expose more at once, from shortcuts to scaled down apps, to controls, to messages...
Then I combined what I learned from my mobile and desktop designs.