The biggest cause of death in the world is Abortion at 73million kids murdered per year, followed by Heart Disease at 18million, and Cancer at 10million.
The Purpose of Life depends on Life.
In the future as lifespans increase due to innovation and discovery and that counter slows down to rare, then death will become even more unacceptable, unthinkable, the contrast of more life clarifies how much is lost. Today life is short, but you have eternal value already, you are a part of a super organism, if you die then humanity will forever all miss out on your precious mind. The future will look back on the murderers today like we judge past evil like slavery and holocaust. Put on a future mindset today, protect eternal values to make fulfillment possible.
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Even before the womb, an additional 10 million humans are intentionally killed(they call it discarding) each year in IVF procedures.
15 eggs are retrieved, 11 of those fertilize, 3 are murdered after genetic test, 4 survive a week, 2 are selected for implantation, 1 frozen for later implantation, 1 murdered immediately or after freezing or after research, resulting in 4 murdered, 4accidentally killed, 1.5miscarried and 0.5born, times 2.5million IVF cycles per year, equals 10million murders.
Recommended Solutions include
The Technology itself isn't evil, its just used;
Irresponsibly (creating more embryos than intended for implantation)
Immorally (without legal protection for the human lives created)
Unaccountably (without oversight or consequences)
Accountability, like with abortion there is no national reporting law for these deaths. So one needs to be added.
Awareness: The government and lasting law and protections follow the culture, so share this and discuss to put your minds together and think though this as a society.
Repeal Murder Rights: These are afforded doctors and mothers on top of the Right to Life already enshrined in the constitution. These exceptions need to be removed to include the most vulnerable lives.
One at a Time Policy: One fertilization per cycle would insure there are no "spares" to be "discarded" or experimented on. So fertilize one human, if it does not naturally survive to implantation age with every assistance possible, only then can you fertilize another.